Our Pastor Search Blueprint

Clear Objectives

Discovery serves as the cornerstone of our Pastor Search Blueprint. Our discovery process includes an on-site visit with key leaders and the hiring team, comprehensive surveys, and relational learning sessions. We aim to understand the unique story of your church. Who are you as a congregation? Context is paramount. What defines your culture? What is your mission, and who do you require to lead you towards that mission?

This comprehensive process sets the stage for the entire search journey. Throughout the discovery phase, we collectively gain clarity on the leadership required.

"Success begins with a great process!"

Thorough Evaluation

Upon completion of the Discovery phase, we initiate and execute a national search employing a deeply relational and thorough evaluation process, including interviews, questionnaires, and 360 references, to identify top-tier candidates. This process utilizes layers of progressively deeper interviews and conversations with viable candidates.

Our search approach is proactive. Leveraging our network of ministry leaders and churches, we identify vibrant and healthy pastors. Great leaders recognize great leaders - we engage in numerous conversations on your behalf to find the ideal leader for your church. While email lists, social media posts, and databases prove helpful, we truly "search" for your next pastor by engaging in meaningful conversations with esteemed leaders!

Candidates undergo strategic evaluation across several key areas:

Unified Affirmation

We impose no limits on the number of candidates presented or the timeframe for their presentation. Upon identifying final candidates, we embark on a thorough and robust vetting process, including face-to-face interviews, on-site visits, reference checks, background screenings, and education verifications.

Final candidates are evaluated against three components of pastoral calling:

Additionally, we initiate the final selection and affirmation process as outlined in your church’s governing documents. Our process includes assistance with creating the Offer Letter and facilitating salary and compensation negotiations. We make ourselves available as much or as little as your context necessitates.

Throughout each phase of the search, we lean heavily into prayer and discernment, relying on God to guide our steps towards leaders who deeply know and love Jesus while diligently assessing candidates.

For a comprehensive presentation of our process or further questions, please schedule a call with us at your convenience.

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